Great White Shark Diving in Cape Town, South Africa is one of the most adventurous thing to do while in South Africa. Shark Cage diving is very popular in South Africa and draws many tourists as well. If you are in Cape Town then do plan one of your day trip to see these majestic sea creature.
If you are looking for things to do in Cape Town do check out our post
Things you need to know before Shark Diving
Shark Cage Diving happens in many countries in the world and South Africa is one of the famous ones amongst them. There are mainly two places in South Africa famous for Shark Diving, they are 1) Cape Town and 2) Gansbaai
Where to do Shark Dive in South Africa?
There are many places where you can do Shark Dive, the most popular ones are:
Shark Dive in Cape Town:
Cape Town has many shark cage diving centres, which you can opt for. Make sure you prebook your dive, because Cape Town is a tourist hub and getting an appointment can be tricky. Booking your dive from Cape Town will be convenient as well, you can keep half a day aside from your sightseeing trips. You can book you shark cage diving from here. Diving from Cape Town can be bit expensive than Gansbaai. Check before booking your dive centre as many of them take you to Gansbaai only instead in Cape Town.
Shark Dive GansBaai:
GansBaai is located 2hr drive away from CapeTown and much closer to Hermanus. GansBaai shark cage diving paradise with plenty of options to chose from. It is much more economical to dive from Gansbaai. If you are driving from Garden Route then you can stop here or in Hermanus for the Dive. There is nothing more to do here than the dive so wouldn’t recommend to stay here. You can book from here.
Is Shark Cage Diving Safe?
Shark cage diving is completely safe. All you have to do is remember the instructions before diving. You are not supposed to touch the Shark, or keep your hand and feet poking out of the cage, the great white sharks are very curious animal and will bite and check what is poking out. You will be inside the cage and there is rarely a chance for it to get it. If you are too scared then you can opt for the shark viewing from the deck of the boat itself. I personally feel the deck view gives more clearer and longer view than looking out for the beast inside water, but less thrilling.
Do you need to know Swimming for Shark Cage Diving?
No you do not need to know swimming forShark Cage Diving. One third of the cage remains under water, so you can always stand and breath. Only when the Great White is visible you’ll be asked to look down holding your breath to have the great sighting of your life. However remember these are all wild animals not trained, so chances of a great viewing depends on your luck. Like I was unlucky, and Amit had a sighting of a lifetime.
If you want to check out our experience in Shark Cage Diving, see our YouTube video: